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4 Reasons To Use iCloud Keychain

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 I was working with a client a couple weeks ago, and she inquired about utilizing a password manager for her team. She needed some sharing features, so I recommended my go-to LastPass.

She also asked about her mother adopting a password manager as well – Her mother is currently storing passwords in a physical notebook and in locked notes in the iPhone-native Notes app.

For her mother, I recommended she look into using the native iCloud Keychain to manager her passwords. Here’s 4 reasons why iCloud Keychain may be a better fit over fancier 3rd-Party password manager services:

iCloud Keychain is Apple

The only requirements to start using iCloud Keychain is you need an Apple ID, an Apple device and…That’s it. Just turn on iCloud Keychain in iCloud settings, you it will automatically start remembering your passwords. No matter if you’re on an Mac, iPhone, or iPad, it just works with no fuss.

iCloud Keychain is Simple

No worrying about software updates, compatibility issues or complex features, configurations, or functionality. If you open a website or app, iCloud Keychain will prompt you to enter a stored password. Enter a new password for the first time, it will ask to save the password. That’s it. 

iCloud Keychain is Secure

Apple is serious about your data security, so naturally one of its services that focuses on keeping your passwords secure, will require a level of security in and of itself. So in order to use iCloud Keychain, you do have to turn on 2-Factor Authentication. Doing so will lock down your data with end-to-end encryption that will keep your passwords on lock down.

iCloud Keychain is Free

Apple’s hardware costs a pretty penny. The software/services that come with adopting the Apple ecosystem…not so much. iCloud Keychain is free to use across all your devices. No per user/computer/year subscription costs like other 3rd-Party services. So save as many passwords as you want, free of charge. 

All that to say, if you don’t need a super-sophisticated password management tool that can sync across different hardware/software brands, or need to share data with multiple users across your team, you might want to adopt iCloud Keychain as your main password manager.

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Mac Heads Tips and Tricks

iPhone Hack – Create PDF Documents

I haven’t done any research or fact checking on this hot-take, but I know the PDF file format is a universal document standard that can be opened by pretty much any device.

So it blows my mind when people send me native Word (.doc) documents that I don’t need to edit. What really grinds my gears more than people who go on social media and complain about a brand that did something grimey, but ain’t thinking about boycotting, is when somebody sends me a Word document I need to sign.

If the sender would have taken the two extra seconds to create a PDF before sending the doc, I could quickly open, sign and send using my iPhone. I am NOT the one to print, sign, scan, and send a document #SaveTheTrees, so here’s little hack I use when I need to create PDF documents from Word/Pages documents, web pages and more using my iPhone – No extra PDF creator app needed.

Mac Heads

How To Completely Uninstall Apps From Your Mac

I’m a little anal-retentive so I keep my MacBook Pro as clean as possible, inside and out. One of the things I do regularly to maintain a healthy Mac is uninstall apps I no longer use.

I would suggest anybody who wants to keep their Mac running as fast and as long as possible to routinely get rid of “old and busted” apps. I’m not really sure everybody knows how to completely uninstall apps from their Mac, so I put together a quick how-to video.

Yes, I know what you Macsplainers (I just made that up) are thinking: “Well actually, some apps leave hidden files and folders on your Mac even after you uninstall apps the regular way”.

If you want to dive deeper into cleaning up your Mac, check out services like Clean My Mac that will defintely dig into all the hidden and layered crud and crust on your Mac.